
Once Upon A High School Musical

Alex and Kirsti were in dinner theater this year. They performed Once Upon A High School Musical. A play that their director wrote about what High school would be like if all the students were Disney Characters. (They threw in a few number by Michael Jackson just to shake things up a bit)
Alex had the part of Sleeping Beauty (above, in the pink and blue dress 2nd one in from the left) and Kirsti had the part of Jessie from Toy Story 2 ( Below center with the cow print chaps)
They really enjoyed the show and especially had fun with the Michael Jackson songs.I think Kirsti knew we were trying to take a picture of her.This has been one of our kids favorite things about JR High. this is a fun after school program that has left them with some good friends and great memories.

Here is a clip of what Harrisen was doing while the girls were on stage...

Sorry it's so dark, but if you look close he is "breakdancing"on the floor. He LOVED the music!

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