
A walk down memory lane: Cholesterol

I decided to post as many cute things that I can remember from our older kids as they were younger. I will call these "A walk down memory lane".
When B was in about first grade, she was always trying to sound out every word she saw. One day, while eating breakfast, she asked A " What does c-h-o-l-e-s-t-e-r-o-l spell?" To which A responded " Cholesterol". After thinking for a minute she asked me "Mom, whats Cholesterol? Is that like Telestial, Terrestial, and Cholesterol?" I think she must have at least partially listened in FHE.


Bilary said...

That is so cute! Tell her she needs to go on a mission with that one!

You obviously talk to your kids about important things a lot. You are an awesome mom. I hope you know that!:)

Blackeyedsue said...

I WISH cholesterol was one of the kingdoms instead of the goo that runs through my blood.