
Uncle M M M Monkey?

We have some HUGE trees at our house. They can be seen for blocks. M&M were at our house, and admiring the tomato stakes that we have in our garden, so we offered to cut them some from our trees (since that is where ours came from). we have 12 tomato plants, it took all of 15 min to have enough for our garden cut and ready. M&M have 30+ tomato plants so we had to go a little further up the tree to get the branches needed. What is that up there in the tree? Uncle M is having too much fun being a kid again. With the help of an extension ladder he was able to reach the lowest branches. Have I mentioned how BIG the trees are?
Every spring for the last 15 or so years we have wanted to cut these trees down (they are cottonwoods and we have 4 of them the neighborhood has a June snow storm every year). I guess this is just a preview of what we have in store for us when we do. Every one had to help pull the branches down and they didn't fall till long after I put the camera away. It was hard work, we are going to need allot more people when we finally do get to cut them down. Although we do have 3 more trees we could get tomato stakes from (that are closer to the ground I might add) that wouldn't be too difficult, if anyone would like some. the more we cut now the less cotton we have in a few weeks.

1 comment:

Bilary said...

Looks like the tree won that tug of war!:) What fun! I want to come help next time you do this! My kids would love it too!