I love Memorial Day! I love that it gives me an excuse to take a break from my every day life, to remember those who have passed on that have touched my life. Memorial day is really the whole weekend for us. We spend Saturday picking out and preparing flowers for the graves. This year I found these cute tins at the dollar store, and thought they would be perfect. So I picked out some flowers from My DH's aunt & uncles nursery, and went to work. Here is what we ended up with: This one was for our DD (A's twin).
I made one of these for each of our Grandmas and one niece.
Then I made these for all our grandpas. I thought they turned out pretty good and it was way cheaper than the Mum's that you see all over.
The most Important one we visit, our DD Taylor. Who gives hope for the the next life, where we will be with her again and be able to feel of her sweet spirit. I'm so grateful for the Blessings of the Temple that allow us the chance for our families to be forever.
As the adults stand around and talk about the memories we have of our darling grandma silly and her wonderful husband. The kids set off for their annual game of graveyard hide-and-seek. Its M's turn to count.
While most of the kids all hide in the same spot. Waiting for M to come find them.
K decides to be original and find her own spot. (Smart girl. The game lasts longer if everyone is not found at the same time)
Little H didn't quite get the idea. Instead of hiding behind the grave markers he stood on top of them.
(There was a great picture here of little H standing on a really tall headstone. I'm not sure where it went but I can't get it back here so I'll leave it out I guess.)
Then the girls had fun making up dances until the sprinklers came on and got them all wet.
K is brave to be the dartboard holder! I am impressed!
Look how cute you are and how cute you were to make the darling flowers for the graves. They turned out darling!
I love that you guys go and play hide and seek in the graveyard, and that it is fun and a good time to remember, not to just sit and cry. You are very positive to look to the future and to focus on the good memories. I am so glad you are a forever family and that you will be with your sweet baby again. What a comfort!
Your flowers turned out great for the graves. Isn't it wonderful that we have such a great legacy of wonderful ancestors, like grandma silly. Thanks for sharing your faith and hope! What a great family you are!
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