The activity days activity this week was a fashion show. Each of the girls were given an article of clothing to make up for the fashion show. Then they had to walk down the runway modeling their creations. B was assigned spaghetti straps, so here is her creation: B is wearing marinara colored outfit with spaghetti straps accented with marinara bows. She chose to accent her outfit with a meatball necklace, and a baguette parasol.

This outfit was just too cute to not add to the blog. her assignment was boxer shorts. Very creative!

B's BFF was assigned a "sweet miniskirt". Too cute with all the candy bars taped to it.

A bunch of B's crazy friends posing for a goofy picture in their creations.
(left to right) Back row; Sweet miniskirt, house coat, wet suit, boxer shorts. front row; spaghetti straps, mu mu, pin stripe suit.

After the fashion show, just haingin' out and eating refreshments.

All the girls did a great job creating outfits for the fashion show and everyone had a good time.
LOVE the spaghetti straps! Sign her up for the next "Project Runway!"
I can't wait for my A to start in Activity Days...only three more months. She is so excited!
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