
An Opera starring M

Some of the first and second grade classes at our school wrote and performed operas this week. M was cast as a little girl, who, along with her brother, were separated from their parents at the mall. In their search for their parents, they had some amazing adventures. They met a scary mummy and a spider in an elevator, who turned out to be more afraid of them than they were of him. Then they went spelunking in a cave where they met some friendly bats. Soon they came across a boat full of pirates.
Finally they found a castle full of beautiful princesses who had a magic ball that helped them find their parents. when they finally got to their parents they told them of all their adventures, and the parents smiled told them they had great imaginations.

Here is a shot of M with her opera family. (left to right) Dad, Mom, Sister (M), Brother.

This opera was part of a program that teaches kids about operas. All the operas have to be written, and directed by the kids. They come up with costumes, who will play what parts, and even paint their own scenery. It's amazing the talent that comes from these little kids. All the operas were amazing!

1 comment:

Blackeyedsue said...

It was fun seeing her perform. I had no idea she was a lead. Your kids are muy talented!