
National JR Honor Society

A was inducted to the National Jr Honor Society today. We are so proud of her. She is such a great student, and we never have to remind her to do her homework. Her teachers all love her because she does so well and is so kind to others. She is just an all around good kid!
After the ceremony we all visited and had refreshments. The general consensus was: Who the heck decided that raspberry filling should be put inside a chocolate cake? They really don't mix well. Chocolate is great by itself, why mess with perfection?
A and a few of her friends who are now also members of the NJHS.


Bilary said...

What darling girls! I love A's hair! She looks gorgeous!

I agree with the cake thing. But then again, I don't like raspberries anyway, so double YUCK from me on chocolate cake with raspberry filling. EW EW EW!!!

Blackeyedsue said...

Congratulations A!!! That is such a great accomplishment! All of the girls are absolutely stunning. I can't believe how grown up they are all becoming!