
Egg whites and curls

Alex has been wanting to try putting egg whites in her hair to make it go curly for a long time. Picture day at school was Friday so she wanted to do it for that. If there is anything to make a mother of a lot of girls nervous it is trying to do something you have never done before to your girls hair for picture day. I like to at least practice first. I wasn't sure how it was done but our neighbor Michelle Shurtz does it to her hair and since that is where Alex got the idea we enlisted her help. Kirsti decided she wanted to try too. Michelle came over and actually did it for them while I watched. It was actually pretty simple. We got some egg whites and stirred them with a fork just enough to separate them a bit. with wet hair we used a little gel to just separate the hair a little then used the egg whites just like you would hair gel. Once the egg whites were in Michelle used her diffuser and dried the hair. The trick is to stay in one place until the hair is almost dried. If the blow dryer gets too hot use the cold shot button.
The above shot is Kirsti holding her head over while Michelle dries her hair And this one is Alex Here is Kirsti finally done.
And Alex done
And we had to get a picture of the three of them. Silly me I should have taken some pictures of what it looked like for school in the morning. The curls stayed about the same and the girls just added a clip to the side. Adorable! and the EASIEST picture morning yet!


Chris, Deb and the Ava Jayne said...

i've always wondered what it is about egg whites that makes the hair curl...and why the heat doesn't create like...scrambled egg whites in the hair...

Laurie said...

That is so crazy! I will have to give it a try on Kailee. How many eggs did you have to use? Does it make their hair smell?

Katherine said...

we used 3 for both girls and it was plenty I dumped some down the drain. For Kailee I would still use three because her hair is sooo thick. If you don't use it all just dump the rest out.

I didn't think it smelled but I have heard some people put a little cinnomon in it so that it smells like that instead. It did make their hair look a little lighter/less bright I don't know how to describe it but it looked way cute and they were both happy for picture day which almost never happens.

You have to have one of the good diffusers like the one in the picture though or it will never work. I think it would be cute on Kailee If you do it I want to see pictures.

Candace said...

They look so cute! I used to always wear my hair curly, and eggs whites were my best friend!