
My new big girl toy.

I got a new big girl toy. . .

After seeing this post my friend Deb offered to give me her kitchen aid whoot whoot!
I told myself I had to have all my chores done before I could play with it. . . Done okay now I get to make cookies!!!!
SO cool and so fast I love it!!!!
Don't they look yummy? Now I can make yummy cookies too. Usually Mike makes all the cookies because mine turn out thin and almost transparent. These turned out great. I'll be making cookies more often.
Now I'm gonna try making Eve's rolls with it and see if they turn out as soft as hers do. . .
He he he . I'm having so much fun. Thanks Deb!


Deborah said...

those cookies were beyond amazing!! Thanks for sharing <3

Candace said...

Yummy! They look delicious! And good job on all the yard work, you are wonder woman I swear!

Picture Perfect said...

I'm soooo jealous! I really want one of those!:)