
Bye bye chickens...at least for now.

City council meeting was a disappointment to many. I was surprised, as was our Mayor, with just how many people showed up to the city council meeting in favor of having chickens. Not one person there spoke against them. Yet. . . Still it was voted down by the council.

Past experiences with large amounts of farm animals, crazy harebrained notions and even a little of what I would call a conflict of interest was what made the final decision. 'Who cares what the people want. . .what is in MY best interest' is the feeling I got from the majority of the council.

I thank the two, who despite what they wanted, found out what the people of our fair town wanted and voted in such a way to represent them. For that is the way it should work.

I don't see this as the end. As one of the council members stated "I believe if put on the ballot it would pass" So here begins a journey, where it will end I do not know, but I too would like to see it on the ballot. Anyone who wants to help, let me know, it will take more than me to fight this but I believe it will be worth it in the end. let's gain some freedom back to help us become more self sufficient. After all it's not like I'm asking to raise a cow in my back yard!


Candace said...

It's just chickens, I don't see the big deal? Hopefully they can get it to pass. I think it's a great idea to have them for your own eggs. Growing up we had meat chickens we raised and laying chickens. It was really neat to go out each morning and gather our own fresh eggs.

At first I had to get used to the idea that the eggs were brown and not white, like the ones I was used to at the store!

Picture Perfect said...

Yeah, considering the way the Economy is going and everything else, I think we should be creative and make do with what we have. We know that things are not getting any cheaper and it's only going to get higher.

Bilary said...

My blood still boils over this one. I think you should just keep the darn things anyway. Who cares about the stinking city and their ordinances. ;)

Katherine said...

Moooo! Anyone for some fresh milk? And while we are at it, lets have a cow pie tossing contest. Moooo!

Katherine said...

Mike. . .You are a goof!

Bilary said...

I LOVE your new background! So cute!!!