
Makin' Cookies

We haven't done this for a while. Not since we had the little mishap with mistaking Tbsp when it should have been tsp. Ha ha ha That was an adventure!
We decided it was time for our family cookie making party again. We all wash up really well, multiply the recipe by six, take turns adding the ingredients, and then dig in, using our hands as the mixer.
Chocolate chip
and peanut butter
The kids love it when we do this. Especially since it means we have fresh cookies for a long time since we freeze the extra dough for later use.
The kids are going to miss this when I finally get a good electric mixer to mix the dough.


Chris, Deb and the Ava Jayne said...

if you want a kitchen aid stand mixer you can have mine. really. i've used it only a handful of times, because i am partial to a hand mixer. i don't know why, but i never fell in love with my kitchenaid, and every time i use it, i wish i had a hand mixer.

Bilary said...

I love it! What fun memories your kids are going to have making cookies together. I still can't see a peanut butter cookie without thinking about you!