
The joys of cottonwood trees

If this post didn't deter you from ever wanting to plant cotton wood trees in your yard. . . maybe this picture will. (Sorry about the sideways picture.)

This is what we have to deal with for a few weeks. One foot has been viciously scrubbed with a pot scrubby for at least 5 min. (Yeah the same kind you use to get the burnt stuff out of your pans) the other has been soaking in water waiting for it's turn with the scrubby.

Every year when the weather first begins to warm up, you know the time when the kids are dying to be outside after being cooped up all winter, Cotton trees (or any other poplar for that matter) drop these little yellow things that are filled with sap and stick to EVERYTHING!

So if you were to come to my house you would see. . .Yellow stains on all the floors, Yellow stains on everyone's socks, most of the kids clothes and even a few yellow stains on counters and things that I can't seem to keep a certain 4 year old from climbing on. And just in case you are wondering. . . there doesn't seem to be anything out there that will remove the stains. Although they do wear off after a few months of working at it.

Did I mention that I won't miss some things about these trees when we cut them down.

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