Yes, That would be our Little H riding his sister's
scooter through the neighborhood
in his underwear!
And right away from that crazy camera lady he calls mom.

He learned the hard way that,
apparently mom knows what she is talking about when she says you should never ride a bike or
scooter without shoes on or you might get hurt.

I didn't even have to ask him to put them on. After he ran over his toe, it was his decision.
I LOVE this post! Your kid is just too much fun! You may be embarrassed, but think of all the free entertainment the rest of the neighborhood is getting!:)
How funny! Just think you have blackmail pictures for when he is older. We miss you guys!
I see London,
I see France,
I see little H's underpants!
(tee, hee, hee)
It appears that Londynn must be going through this same phase.
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