
Piano Recital

It's late and I've had a long day but I have to tell what I saw today.
I've been working for the county doing things for the primary elections. For early voting today we were at the library in the basement where they have several rooms that can be reserved for different occasions, including a stage area just off to the side of where we were located. As we were sitting there waiting for the voters to come in an elderly lady came in and started arranging the chairs. She had her hair all done up and when we commented on how nice it looked she said she just had it done for a piano recital which was to be held on the stage there. She spent the next two hours fixing things up for the recital. she had a big bouquet of flowers for the piano, tables with punch and cookies for after, and as each person came she passed out programs to everyone. She even invited a guest piano soloist to play a special musical number. All of this sounds pretty normal until we found out it was all for her one, five year old grandson. Her only student. What an amazing grandma!


Bilary said...

That is so sweet! I can't believe that! So sweet, and thank you for sharing that story. I love stories like that!

Blackeyedsue said...

That is dedication. I would probably be more apt to do that for one of my grandkids than one of my kids. My kids probably wouldn't say thank you and then I would be mad.

Laurie said...

That is a wonderful grandmother. And that grandson will always remember the roll his grandmother played in his life as a child.