
Fathers day

I have the best husband in the entire world!!!
Thank you to a wonderful man:
*Thank you for taking care of the kids when I am not able to because I have been working so much.
*Thank you for fixing all the meals lately.
*Thank you for keeping the house clean.
*Thank you for doing the laundry for me.
*Thank you for playing with the kids.
*Thank you for helping me at work.
*Thank you for running to the store late at night when you would rather be in bed.
*Thank you for pampering me with a foot spa after a long day at work.
*Thank you for taking the time to teach our children how to understand what they read when we read scriptures at night.
*Thank you for honoring your roll as the patriarch of our home.
*Thank you for being the wonderful example you are to our family.
*Thank you for magnifying your callings so our children will learn to do the same.
*Thank you for loving me the way you do.
*Thank you for being such a hard worker.
*Thank you for the father of our children.
But most of all
*Thank you for being my eternal companion.


Bilary said...

You are so sweet! I bet you just made his whole week! That was awesome! But you have to know that he could easily turn around and write an eually powerful list about you! You are amazing too!:)

Katherine said...

I should write a song about these events. It would go something to the effect of: "I got laid off so my wife said "that's ok, I'll go to work till you find another job.""

Then I could explain the events of the day such as:
The kids are saying 'dad's yelling at us again,'
And for Harrison to get out of Koda's pen.

Chap-stick melts in a Maytag dryer,
Dirty socks do not go belong on the electric fryer,

Replay Cars for the 18th time, Where is that son of mine...

There's more gum in Madison's hair,
Muddy footprints on all the stairs,

The dog is running down the street,
Kirsti's just eaten blood from raw meat,

Bailee is up in the apple tree, And Alex is doing her hair again wondering 'what if a boy sees me.'

I think alot of guys could relate to this song. Then at the end I would say something like "Honey, you're my hero."

Arghh! So much for another claim to fame. I just heard someone say there is already a song like this...

But really, these are such fun times. I hope in all of these prosperous and struggling times of life our kids see that we have relied on the Lord and have done what he has asked us to. That as a husband, I honored, appreciated, and loved my wife. That as a father, I treated each child lovingly, tenderly, and with respect. That we have paid our tithing and fast offerings, even when money was scarce. That we have had family prayer, scripture study, and family home evening. That we have regularly attended the temple as husband and wife, and with our kids for baptisms as soon as they were old enough, so they would learn to love the temple and its sacred ordinances as much as we did. That we have fullfilled every calling given to us to the best of our abilities. That my greatest joy was spending time with my family. That our family is Eternal, and that our highest priority was in our Heavenly Father and His Son.

Thank you for being my sweet and virtuous eternal companion.

Katherine said...

I had no Idea My husband was such a talented song writer. Amazing!

Katherine said...

Well, when love is in the air, the possibilities and words are limitless.

Bilary said...

I think this is the problem in the job search...He is looking in the wrong field! He should be a songwriter!!!:) What a sweet response for you! You deserve it and you are both amazing!

Blackeyedsue said...

Okay, I am BAWLING!!! Like ugly cry, inconsolable BAWLING! Katherine YOUR post was AMAZING and then to throw your DH's in the mix! I am going to have ugly eyes tomorrow!