

We adopted a dog. . . . at least I thought we did.

A while back we used to have a dog, but he was old and eventually died. Since then we have toyed with the idea of getting a dog but the timing was never right. One day, about a month ago, DH was looking on KSL at the puppies that were available, and found some free black lab puppies (which is what we're partial to). Since we have all been through so much stress from my DH being laid off from his job, we decided now was a good time to get a puppy for the kids. WOW! It has been such a stress reliever for all of us. The kids are worrying less about whats going on and spending more time outside with Koda.

Little H has loved him so much he thinks that the dog house is for him too. there have been many times that I went looking for Little H only to find him hiding in the dog house with his puppy. As Little H is eating breakfast he can hear Koda yelping for someone to come play and he tells me "Mom, I have to go outside now, Koda is yelfing for me to come play". There is definitely something special about a little boy and his dog!


Laurie said...

Yeah! Your blog has turned out beautiful. I can't wait to read all your future posts. The kids will be excited to see their friends, they miss so much.


Blackeyedsue said...

That kid cracks me up. What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful job! The pictures are adorable...love the "butt shot" of H. Should have put that one in the newsletter as well...by the way I'm putting in the "yelfing" one for Out of the Mouths of Babes. Love ya, Shalan

Bilary said...

I didn'tknow that dogs "Yelf!" I love that story! And I seriously love your kid! Really, let me know when he can come play over here again. We would love to have him! He is just too stinkin' cute. But I am waiting for you to post the "you-know-what" story you told me the other day. Hilarious!!!