
Birthday wish

For at least a year now K has been wanting to go to the Temple and do baptisms for the dead for her 12th birthday. She talked about it all the time. Well the day finally came and we went with recommend in hand to the Temple. It was wonderful. Her dad was able to baptise her along with a few others who were there as well. She had a great time. I'm sure this was a day she will not soon forget. not many people get to go to the Temple on their 12th birthday. here are some photos of the memorable event for all of us. We are so proud of her for making the decision to do something so special for her birthday.


Bilary said...

That is awesome! Such a neat experience - probaly just as neat for her daddy as well! Tell her to make sure and write about it in her journal. She will cherish that day forever! Happy birthday K!

Blackeyedsue said...

I am bawling. How beautiful and special. Thank you SO much for sharing such a beautiful and sacred experience with us. I hope my dh does that with our daughters. I am so glad you took a picture of them in front of the temple!