
1st buzz cut

A few weeks ago while I was struggling to cut little h's hair, Dh suggested that we just shave it all off for the summer. so, yesterday while we were visiting with M&M (uncle M and Aunt M), for uncle M's birthday we asked Aunt M if she would do the honors (she has clippers & I don't). she said sure and while the guys were watching the game she started buzzing. at the sound of the buzzing DH turned from the game and asked what we were doing. I said shaving little h's Hair off like he said we should. He said "I wasn't serious". OOPS! well too late now.
Little h was having so much fun he NEVER sits this still for me.
Here is a preview of what he'll look like in 80 years , bald on top with hair over his ears.

Washing the hair off.
He couldn't resist cousin j's goggles even though they are way too big. He kept looking under the water until they would fill up with water. then he would dump them out and start all over again.
The end result.
When little h woke up today I asked him if he liked his baldy head. To which he replied: " yeah, I think it's pretty impressive"

What a goose. I don't know where he comes up with the things he says.


Bilary said...

What a stud! He is so stinkin' adorable! You still just notice those eyes - first thing! He is so dang cute! I can't wait to see him at church tomorrow.:)

Blackeyedsue said...

He is very impressive. I can't wait to rub his fuzzy head.